My last entry was a few weeks ago..so many things have happened..I hardly have time to write due to my time constraints and tiredness..Haslinda is tired? quite difficult to accept becoz I have a full blast energy when it comes to travel and giving talks.. I did some recharge last week with the help of an adorable frend..wonderful feelings..
Just a reminder to myself, finally I have a facebook account! Tq to Yazi and Arif for giving me the motivation. Also to my buddy - Wan at HSBC..now I am all hooked up with FB and frends from all over..1st reunion is coming - 13 Dis 2008, however I can't make it this time. Will try my best to meet the rest of them soon.
My schedule:
1. Handled Interpersonal Communication One day Training at Pekan with Jabatan Kesihatan. Had a good discussion with Ayeob. Good to know my exstd has matured..
2. Handled RAKSI One day workshop for HEPA. A great time with new timers!
3. I was at Pan Pac KLIA, sending off people who left for London. Wish I could go, yet I promise Airin for a trip to Oxford University Next year, insyallah. Attended KPT LO and KI meetings. Was a bit lost at the beginning, luckily Jamal, Rashidi and PM Dr Wan Azhar made some things clear with me. Tq guys. Wonderful room..lonely and cold hehhe
3. I was at Legend, KL, presented my paper. Met Unimap people, Hisham (PTD/PHD New Zealand). Had a good discussion. Had a good rest at night in that big room, big bed. Had a good time..felt so `manja-manja' and `dimanja-manja'. Went all the trouble to use Strawberry fragrance for all occasion. :-) Wonderful feeling.. Want to be with you again...Pray hard... 4x salute to Xavier, never had that feeling before.. I met Khairul too at Kl Sentral..loving as ever, may Allah be with you my dear soul mate...
4. Korban day with family. Abah and his kepala lembu brought chaos to the family..So `abah'....Shamir (youngest son of Kak Long) will go through his operation on 12 Dis 2008, hope everything goes well.
5. I will be a JB, training with an engineering company (Personal Development Program) for their team leaders. 10 - 13 Dis 2008, Akmar dan hubby, Halim will be there to entertain me. Tq my sweet frends... Will I meet abg Hanif? We see how it goes..
6. Will be in Penang 15-18 Dis 2008 with Anita, Airin, Raha, Yazi, Arif..can't wait to get together for sembang2 corner...meeting Shamir (xstd), maybe Shahul and Yusof for some counseling work.
7. Hafiz is coming back from Australia, welcome home my dear sis..makan ikan bakar at Tg Lumpur on me..wish Kak Tym is here with us...
8. Will be at Cherating for a motivational talk for PnP UMP at 18 Dis 2008.
9. Then busy moving to a new building...the whole faculty..
10. Will go to KL again on 4th Jan 2009..for a small dinner with Lizah and the gang.. Will I meet X there? Maybe not this time...will go with Hafiz, insyallah..
11. Chatted with Ain, she is in Bristol, UK. I think I found my research method for my PHD. She shared with me some journals. Can't wait to discuss with Anita and the gang in Penang.
12. Lonely? I will not allow my heart to go through this moment of loneliness ever again. AJ? Tq for being sincere. You have taught me, if one door closes, other doors are waiting for us. I am sincerely in love with my life, with people surrounding me. I am grateful with what Allah swt has given me. I must work harder for the family, for more expectations at work. More responsibility means more opportunities to do good in life. I feel good looking at a blind boy wanting to buy Yong Tau Fu at Kl Sentral last week. I went and talked to him, he made a joke at me. We laughed together! What a character! And I softly paid for his lunch without him realizing, he taught me the meaning of life. To be able to smile and make others smile around us.
Tq Allah...May God be with us..especially to my beloved family members, to my good friends...to my students.. wherever you are...
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