Kadang2 dalam kehidupan, kita merasakan kita sudah buat yang terbaik. Kita berusaha bersungguh2 untuk memudahkan segala urusan. Kita merasakan kita mahukan kesederhanaan dalam setiap langkah perencanaan diri kita. Namun kita sering tewas dengan pandangan negatif terutama dari mereka yang kita sayang. Agak mustahil untuk semua orang memahami cara kita yang amat mementingkan kebahagiaan orang lain dan diri kita yang akan berterusan cuba memahami dan memenangi orang yang kita sayangi.
I thought I have done the best yet the best is not good enough. If my sacrifice is not good enough for you, maybe we were never meant to be together. There so many misconceptions in life which bring me to sadness and tears. How I wish I could see and feel it from a different view. I might be stupid in trying to solve things alone, on my own but this is what I am. I believe in my internal strength and I want to help and assist everybody in my own way. I never meant to burden you, neither do I have any intention to make you feel uneasy with my way of life. Nevertheless, I am a person of my own identity.
Sekiranya kasih sayang yang sedang dibina ini membebankan dirimu, maafkan diri ini. I have never meant to hurt you. You would be the last person for me to hurt. Wish Allah gives me the patience to hold on with our love and our destiny. I don't want to run away from my promises to him, yet my heart silently whispering the end of everything. These could be the voices of syaitan who definitely does not want us to build a life togteher as husband and wife. I will fight all evil words because I know, as a mediocre, I will never ask for much in life. He is much better than me in so many ways. He is too kind for me..too sweet and too patient with my behavior. I am so grateful to have met a kind man with a great heart like him. Do I really deserve him? Do I, as a nobody in this world deserve this happiness with him? I love my baby..I really do...

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