Friday, August 22, 2008

Penulis blog ini berhenti rehat sebentar

Assalamualaikum wbt

Kepada para sahabat yang sudi meluangkan masa membaca blog yang serba kurang ini, terima kasih. Tq from the deepest of my heart. So many things have happened during the past 2,3 weeks.

1. I have been busy preparing for umrah. Hope everything goes well and Allah swt receives us with love and baraqah. To Mama and Dik D, we will be together as a team. We will stick together becoz we love and care for each other.

2. Last nite, I have the urge and desire to proceed with my PHD most probably with PM Dr V at UMS. Tq to Allah swt in giving me this inspiration. I pray I get the opportunity to join doctorate world by Dec 2008. Bantulah hamba mu ini Ya Allah....

3. And regardless of my time constraints, I managed to finish my part of the paper on RAKSI which is due on 1st Sept. Semoga Zahim dapat habiskan his part and we manage to get into the proceeding book for the conference at Legend KL, this December.

4. To Shamsuri, tq for being there as my best friend. Your words of wisdom has managed to calm me in so many ways. May you hav the rezeki to go to Mekah as His guest too.

5. To Fai, tq..If only you know how I feel..yet I bring your doa to Baitullah...We may face ups and down in our new relationship, we will not let fear deter you from searching new love. Trust Alah is with us all the time. Tq for all the wonderful moments. I have faith Terengganu will become a reality. You are most welcome here...with me..a place where I welcome you...with all my heart...

6. To Ja and Wan, selamat menjaga Tok sebaiknya. Tq for helping out and tq for being great. Sapalah kak cik tanpa Ja...

7. To Kak Long and Abg Long, tq for the support and motivation. They came back with love and care and we needed that before we leave for Mekah.

8. To Zizah, Harti, Intan, Jik, Ayu, Azah, Julie...tq for being here...since our secondary years, your faith in this friendship has been a strength to me.

9. To friends at CMLHS, Raha, Anita, Aini, Kak Tym, Hafiz, Muni, Za, Zuraina, Ezi, Yazi, Arif, Imad....frends at PPT...Ida, Airin, frends at UMP...W.Azlee, Suzana...tq for the doa..

10. To Ust Hilmi and all felos..tq for the understanding

11. To my associates and students at KK3, take care...

12. To Abah..what else can I say as a daughter? I just want you to be healthy and may you have the opportunity the light of life thru the eyes of a Muslim...I love u, abah...with all my heart..

I may not be the best person to express myself on everything, I am merely a human being. But I believe I was born to make others happy. I must, I will...insyallah

Ya Allah,

terimalah diriku sepenuhnya untuk ke rumah mu Ya Allah, ampuni segala dosa ku dan keluarga ku...permudahkan lah jodoh ku bersama seorang lelaki yang beriman dan bertanggungjawab...permudahkanlah PHD ku...permudahkanlah perjalanan kerjaya ku..murahkanlah rezeki ku....lembutkanlah hati musuhku...bantulah sahabat2ku dengan memakbulkan doa mereka....panjangkan lah umur ku agar ku dapat terus berdakwah dan bertabiyyah...ku ingin masuk ke syurga mu Ya Allah...terima lah jiwa ku Ya Allah...terima lah ku sepenuhnya Ya Allah...

I'll be back by 10 Sept 2008..will write more..

1 comment:

NaNa said...

salam...cik has....i'm one of ur ex student...dlu i amik dip kat smbung degree kat utp....ingat x...dlu sy penah g umah cik has...met ur acheh maid to seek info for our acheh mission at that time....:)..

i love reading ur blog....very informative...keep on blogging!....lastly....selamat menjalani ibadah umrah....hope cik has n family akan dpt ketenangan yg kite x penah rasa kat msia....semoga slmt pergi n kembali...pray for my success too....

take care!

~feel free to visit my my suke2 blog je la...x de la informative pn..:P....